
Monday, September 7, 2009

Wedding of Archduchess Marie-Christine of Austria - December 6, 2008

I rarely venture out of Luxembourg for royal news. However, I dig the family of Princess Marie-Astrid of Luxembourg and her husband Archduke Carl-Christian of Austria. They're good peoples.....and the whole lot of them are smokin' hot - win + win.

On December 6, 2008 in Mechelen, Belgium, Her Imperial & Royal Highness Archduchess Marie-Christine of Austria married Count Rodolphe of Limburg-Stirum.

The bride wore the antique Habsbourg wedding veil and a tiara belonging to the Grand Ducal Family of Luxembourg. I don't care what Hello magazine says that tiara does not belong to the family of Count Rodolphe it belongs to the family of Mir's mother. 

Everyone who was anyone attended.....hundreds of pictures are available it.

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