
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Frequently Asked Questions

You might have noticed that we pulled our FAQ section from the blog way back when we introduced the Princely Family as new players to the blog as not only it needed new answers in relation to the Liechtenstein's but also updates on the answers about the Grand Ducal Family. As not even Rome was built in a day, it took as a good while (and a summer news drought) to finally get ourselves to do the task.

After wading through decrees as well as hours of debating about the wording of such decrees and house laws, we proudly present our updated FAQ section that found its way back on the blog today. It answers all kinds of questions and corrects often-made mistakes regarding the Grand Ducal Family of Luxembourg and the Princely Family of Liechtenstein. If you have any additional questions, just drop us a line and we will do our best to answer it.

As not even we are perfect - bummer, I know - it's entirely possible that we, despite our best intentions and much research, have made a mistake or simply misinterpreteted parts of a decree or law (we are no legal experts after all). In case you find such a mistake or misinterpretation, let us know.

Go, check out the FAQ and brush up your knowledge about the Princely and Grand Ducal families right >>here<< (or via the tabs beneath the header).

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