
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hiking in Liechtenstein

Photo: 1 FL TV
Once a year, members of the Princely Family go hiking with Liechtenstein's current and former mayor and heads of the municipalities. The tradition goes back many years when Princess Gina, the late mother of Prince Hans-Adam II, and one of the mayors had the idea. Either the Princely or the Hereditary Princely couple is up for the job, this year it was the latter one.

After a church service was celebrated in Nendeln, Hereditary Prince Alois, Hereditary Princess Sophie as well as their entourage of current and former mayors and partners viewed a Roman excavation site in the morning and after lunch went to Eschen where they hiked a little more and also had dinner together.

Both a short (starting at 3:50) and a long video including interviews with both the Hereditary Prince and the Hereditary Princess are available at 1 FL TV.

Source: 1 FL TV

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