
Friday, April 5, 2019

Official Divorce Announcement or the Never-Ending Story of Tessy's Name...

The cour grand-ducale announced today that "the divorce between Prince Louis and Mrs Tessy Antony was pronounced on April 4, 2019" confirming yesterday's reports. Contrary to the House Law of the Grand Ducal Family, the former wife of Prince Louis spoke to RTL sometime yesterday saying that she would continue to use the title of "Princess of Luxembourg" until September and then would go by the name "Antony-de Nassau" combining her maiden and married names. 

The cour half-confirmed the statement today saying, "for the sake of the children, Their Royal Highnesses the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess granted to Mrs Antony the favour of adding the name "de Nassau" to her name. She will be called Mrs Tessy Antony-de Nassau from September 2019. As the result of the divorce Mrs Antony-de Nassau loses her predicate Royal Highness and the title "Princess of Luxembourg". She will not represent the Grand Ducal Family any longer." To which I ask: How are we supposed to call her in the meantime? She's not a princess any longer but she will only start using her new name in September?! Is she not technically a princess anymore but we are still supposed to call her a princess? But why don't you call it a princess in your announcement then? And, finally, why have a House Law regulating names, styles and titles in the first place when play it by ear at any chance you get?! Welcome to the oftentimes messy world a Luxembourg titles

Anyway, in the end Team Luxarazzi wishes Prince Louis and the still but possibly not really Princess Tessy all the best for their future lives - and we hope that both of them will continue to remain "a wonderful team", as Tessy put it, always putting their children first.

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