
Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Grand Duke Visits Germany

Photo: Claude Piscitelli / Cour grand-ducale
It was back to the roots for the Grand Duke as he visited Wiesbaden, capital of the German state of Hesse, earlier today. The visit marked the 200th anniversary of the birth of Grand Duke Adolph. Before becoming Grand Duke of Luxembourg in 1890, Adolph ruled the Duchy of Nassau, part of what is now Germany, until it was annexed by Prussia in 1866. (For more on Adolph's eventful life, have a look here.)
Photo: Claude Piscitelli / Cour grand-ducale
Grand Duke Henri and his perfectly Nassau-coloured tie were welcomed in the state chancellory of Hesse by Minister-President Volker Bouffier before laying a wreath of flowers at the Nassauisches Landesdenkmal featuring a statue of Grand Duke Adolph. The statue was inaugurated in 1909 by then Princess Marie-Adelaide and Charlotte, who went on to become grand duchesses. The day was rounded off by a visit to Schloss Biebrich, where an academic session took place, the Grand Duke pronounced a speech and an exhibition was viewed.

For more pictures have a look at the cour and Wort.

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