Thursday, October 7, 2010

The New and Improved Official Website...with Twitter and Facebook

The Cour Grand-Ducale has updated their website. It is now easier to navigate and more attractive. Sadly, as I write this, they haven't updated any of the biographical information or provided new information/pictures. I know that French is the written language of the Luxembourg government but I'd love to see the website come online in the other languages of The Grand Duchy.

You can also now follow the Cour Grand-Ducale on twitter and facebook. I'm following them on my blog twitter account (I don't personally tweet). The facebook "like" wasn't working when I checked it earlier. I think I'll pass on joining the facebook. I'm weary of having the Cour Grand-Ducale be able to associate my real identity with my Luxembourg aficionado status. Besides, I'm sure they could live without knowing that I like festive holiday socks.

Check out the new website! Pop on over to twitter and so that you can follow the latest tweets (when they start tweeting). You can like them on facebook if you're cool with them being able to view whatever name you have your account under.

If Google Chrome is your browser of choice (it is mine) the new website will appear a mess. It looks great on Firefox and Internet Explorer.

I'm working on the other updates from earlier in the week. I was so excited when I saw the new website that I had to spread the news first!


  1. I'm trying to find the facebook link


    But the link is not working a this time. I suspect that facebook will verify that the account actually belongs to the Cour Grand-Ducale before it goes active. Stay tuned....
