This evening saw the celebrations for Grand Duke Jean's birthday. Luxembourg's former ruler turned 95 on Tusday this week. In addition to all of Grand Duke Jean's children, grandchildren and his two eldest great-grandchildren, several foreign royals and other relatives and friends were also in attendance for the celebrations that started with a photo opportunity at the palais grand-ducal. There was one setting for Grand Duke Jean was photographed with his descendants, and another one were they were also joined by royals and relatives.
Photo: René Scho / RTL / |
To give you a quick run down of who was in attendance (from left to right):
First row: Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie of Luxembourg, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume of Luxembourg, Queen Mathilde of the Belgians, King Philippe of the Belgians, Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands, Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg, Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg with his great-grandson Prince Gabriel and Prince Noah in front of him, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg, Queen Sofia of Spain, King Constantine of Greece, Queen Anne-Marie of Greece, Princess Irene of Greece
Second row: Princess Claire of Luxembourg, Prince Félix of Luxembourg, Countess Diane de Nassau, Prince Jean of Luxembourg, Archduchess Marie-Astrid of Austria, Archduke Carl-Christian of Austria, Princess Margaretha of Liechtenstein, Prince Nikolaus of Liechtenstein, Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg, Princess Sibilla of Luxembourg, Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan, Princess Sarvath of Jordan
Third row: Princess Charlotte de Nassau, Princess Maria-Anunciata of Liechtenstein, Archduchess Kathleen of Austria, Archduke Imre of Austria, Princess Alexandra of Luxembourg, Prince Louis of Luxembourg, Princess Tessy of Luxembourg, Prince Sebastien of Luxembourg, Princess Tatiana Radziwiłł, Jean Fruchaud, Archduchess Anna Gabriele of Austria, Archiduchess Adélaïde of Austria, Archduke Christoph of Austria
As the other rows get a bit messy, here's the others combined: Prince Paul-Louis de Nassau, Prince Carl de Nassau, Archduke Alexander of Austria, Princess Marie-Gabrielle of Austria, Prince Jean de Nassau, Archduchess Marie-Christine of Austria, Archduchess Gabriella of Austria, Count Rodolphe de Limburg-Stirum, Chevalier Charles de Fabribeckers de Cortils et Grâce, Princess Anne de Ligne, Prince Josef of Liechtenstein (with Countess Antonia of Holstein-Ledreborg hidden behind him), Archduchess Catharina of Austria, Prince Wenceslas de Nassau, Princess Marie-Astrid of Liechtenstein, Prince Constantin de Nassau, Prince Léopold of Nassau
For those of you not a regular to the extended Grand Ducal Family of Luxembourg, I recommend our
Who's Who-section that will give you a clearer picture to the name of each of the children and grandchildren of Grand Duke Jean. For those wondering about the Luxembourg- and Nassau-thing in their titles, check out both
our Grand Ducal Family-section as well as
the FAQ to learn more.
About the royal and noble guests... Most of them are easily recognisable either because they regularly appear at events all over Europe or by the "of [[insert country]]" in their title. As for the others: Princess Anne de Ligne is a niece of Grand Duke Jean by his sister
Princess Alix. She attended together with her second husband Chevalier
Charles de Fabribeckers de Cortils et Grâce. Countess Antonia of Holstein-Ledreborg is another niece of Grand Duke Jean, by his sister Princess Marie-Gabrielle. Both Princess Anne and Countess Antonia are goddaughters of Grand Duke Jean. Princess Tatiana Radziwiłł is the daughter of Princess Eugénie of Greece. She and her husband, Jean Fruchaud, are regular guests at events of the Grand Ducal Family. Archduchess Anna Gabriele of Austria, who was accompanied by her daughter Archduchess Catharina, is the widow of Archduke Rudolph and a regular of grand ducal family events as well.
For more pictures, videos and information about the concert for Grand Duke Jean's 95th birthday, make sure to check back later on! (
Here you go.)