It is difficult to tell if Maria Teresa and Guillaume have participated in any other parts of the conference. Maria Teresa gave an address at the award ceremony last night. She gave certificates of achievement to representatives of several mirco-credit organizations. Harbu received the 100,000 Euro award for enhancing value chain financing. The finance award was funded by the Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The focus of the conference is ‘financial inclusion’ and ‘combining profit with social impact.' The conference seems intellectually stimulating. Combining profit with social contribution can be a delicate balancing act.
On the superficial side, I feel like the US Ambassador always looks like she wants to eat Guillaume. Maria Teresa looks fab. I love the Asian inspired jacket and orange is a great color for her. Now my dear Guillaume...I love your beard. I like your cute belly. I can deal with how thin your face and arms are. I can even deal with knowing that you aren't really all that nice and that you aren't always professional. You know what I can't deal with?? I abhore that worn out yellow tie that you insist on wearing to practically every other engagement. Mmmmm, haterade. ;) I think it is time for Secret Operation Dancing Hula Pig 2.0.
Manuel Dias has a gallery of photographs of the award ceremony.
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