Friday, October 28, 2011

Grand Duchess Opens Burundian Photo Exhibition

In today's early evening hours, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa attended the opening of a photo exhibition with the name "Wind of Change" about a project called La Main Tendue initiated by the Fondation du Grand-Duc et la Grand-Duchesse and the Maison Shalom. She also participated in a press conference at the Palais before opening the exhibition.

You might remember that the Grand Duchess visited the East-African country Burundi about two years ago. Struck by the situation of juvenile delinquents, who are often imprisoned for minor crimes such as steeling a goat or an iron at a young age, she (well, her charity) and the Burundian Maison Shalom mounted a program to help the teenagers after being released from jail. Since the start of the program in January last year, 108 young people have received training in technical jobs.

The Grand Duchess also told during the press conference at the Palais about the balance of the Grand Ducal Foundation that they helped 54 persons and families within the Grand Duchy financially during the last year. On RTL's website you can listen to a short snippet of Maria Teresa's speech; and even nicer they also have a video. Manuel Dias has a photo gallery of the event et la cour aussi.

Source: Wort, RTL, Journal

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