Thursday, January 10, 2013

New Year's Audience *

Photo: SIP / Nicolas Bouvy
Today, Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa as well as Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie consectively welcomed the bureau of the Chamber of Deputies, the president and the bureau of the Council of State, national authourities and the Prime Minister and the members of his gouvernment at the palais for audiences.

More audiences on the occassion of the new year will take place tomorrow.

For another picture, have a look at Wort, who also have a video report about the receptions.

Source: Wort


  1. Interesting, MT seems to have changed her outfit during the event!
    It's lovely to see them all, specially G and S!

  2. Is Stephanie pregnant or is it just her outfit ?

    Also how did her mum die? Sad she obviously missed her mother at her wedding ...
