Monday, February 29, 2016

A Statement on the Situation in Burundi

Today the Foundation of the Grand Duke and the Grand Duchess released a comment about the escalating tensions in Burundi that have resulted in staff at Maison Shalom being laid off and others leaving the country.

C’est avec la plus grande inquiétude que la Fondation du Grand-Duc et de la Grande-Duchesse suit la dégradation constante de la situation politique, économique et sociale au Burundi. Un des acteurs phare de la vie sociale du pays, à savoir la Maison Shalom, partenaire étroit de la Fondation, est aujourd’hui dans l’incapacité totale d’agir: ses cadres ont dû fuir le pays et l’entièreté du personnel mise au chômage technique.

And a rough translation, via Google:

It is with great concern that the foundation of the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess follows the continuing deterioration of the political, economic and social situation in Burundi. One of the leading players in the social life of the country, namely the Maison Shalom, close partner of the Foundation, is now completely unable to act: its executives have fled the country and the entire development staff laid off.

Photo: Marc Schmit / Cour grand-ducale
Additionally, the Cour released the statement with the photo, shown left, of Grand Duchess Maria Teresa with Marguerite Barankitse, a founder of Maison Shalom. Grand Duchess Maria Teresa also visited Burundi in 2009, through her work with UNICEF, and met with Marguerite Barankitse at Maison Shalom. In October of 2011, Barankitse visited Luxembourg to open a photography exhibit  supporting Maison Shalom.

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