Saturday, December 30, 2017

Your Favourite Luxarazzi Gala Appearance 2017, No-Tiara Division

While everyone and their relatives is on Christmas and New Year's break, let's play favourites again by chosing Your Favourite Luxarazzi Gala Appearance of the year. Just like last year, we will have two votes: The Tiara Division, to come sometime in the new year cause there's no better way to start it than with a bit of sparkle, and the No-Tiara Division. Without much further ado, let's get right into it, because we have a lot of entries competing for your affection.
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa (in Yves Dooms) at the state visit from Portugal; Grand Duchess Maria Teresa at the birthday party of the King and Queen of Norway; Grand Duchess Maria Teresa at the wedding of Princess Marie-Gabrielle; Princess Alexandra at the wedding of Princess Marie-Gabrielle; Princess Alexandra at the wedding of Prince Dmitri Galitzine.
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie (in Paule Ka) at the Norwegian birthday bash; Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie (in Ralph Lauren) in Cannes; Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie (in Emilio Pucci) at the wedding of Princess Marie-Gabrielle; Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie (in Paule Ka) during the state visit from Portugal; Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie (in Elie Saab) in London.
Princess Claire (in Denis Durand) in Cannes; Prince Claire (in Jenny Packham) at the wedding of Princess Marie-Gabrielle; Princess Sibilla (in Georges Hobeika) at the wedding of Princess Marie-Gabrielle; Princess Sibilla (in Georges Hobeika) at the Bal des Débutantes; Princess Charlotte (in Georges Hobeika) at the Bal des Débutantes.
Princess Margaretha at the wedding of Princess Marie-Gabrielle; Princess Astrid (in Self-Portrait) at the wedding of Princess Marie-Gabrielle; Princess Anunciata (in Emilio Pucci) at the wedding of Princess Marie-Gabrielle; Countess Diane at the wedding of Prince Dmitri Galitzine.
Archduchess Marie-Astrid at the wedding of Princess Marie-Gabrielle; Archduchess Marie-Christine at the wedding of Princess Marie-Gabrielle; Archduchess Marie-Christine at the wedding of Prince Dmitri Galitzine; Archduchess Kathleen at the wedding of Princess Marie-Gabrielle.

And now it's onto you: Vote for your favourite gala appearance (no-tiara division) of 2017!

The poll closes on January 3.

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