Friday, January 7, 2011

Birthday Dinner

Yesterday, Grand Duke Jean's family joined him for a birthday dinner. The celebration was held aboard the MS Princesse Marie-Astrid. Wort has kindly provided a few photographs, but very little information. RTL also provides a gallery of images. Video is also available on RTL (I haven't located the exact video yet). Several of the grandchildren preformed La Danse de Rabbi Jacob from the film Les aventures de Rabbi Jacob.

Archhduchess Marie-Christine is definitely pregnant and she is glowing! Superb!

Constantly pursing your lips together is not attractive AND it causes wrinkles around your mouth, which is even less attractive. Tessy, we don't mind seeing braces. Just smile!

Photos: Cour grand-ducale/Luxpress/Jean-Claude Ernst.


  1. Is Guillaume in his shirt sleeves AND with two buttons undone? Goodness, there's got to be a bigger and clearer picture (preferably of him alone) somewhere! He's always so buttoned up and hiding behind his suit, it's a miracle to see him in anything but a suit and tie (don't get me wrong, he looks great in his suits, but there's something to be said about variety, right? ;P)

  2. Why are some people wearing the same shirtsleeves and vest combination in the big ship picture?

    And Tessy has braces?

    Also, yes. PLEASE tell me there's another, better picture of Guuillaume like that!

  3. I believe the children were performing La Danse de Rabbi. It is from a movie. The picture in the background shows a scene of the dance from the film.

  4. did you ever find the video on rtl from the birthday dinner? I have looked everywhere and I cannot find it
