Princess Elisabeth of Auersperg-Breunner, daughter of billionaire Friedrich Karl Flick, presented her new book Ostern - Tradition, Dekoration und Kulinarik (Easter - Tradition, Decoration and Cuisine) in Vienna today. Why I am telling you this? Princess Marie, the wife of Prince Constantin (just to avoid any confusion), was among the guests at the K.u.K. Zuckerbäckerei Demmel where the event took place. Other notable attendants included Prince Benedikt Ratibor and Corvey (or whatever the exact titles of the Metternich-Sándors of the Schillingsfürst branch of the House of Hohenlohe are) as well as Prince Karl and Princess Marina of Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfürst.
Thumbnails of pictures of the book presentation are available at Brauer Photos.
Source: Die Presse
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