Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner: Queen Victoria Eugenia's Aquamarine Tiara took home the win in the second non-closest tiara match of the Luxarazzi Tiara Race thus far. It beat the Aquamarine Tiara by 77.97 percent (or 368) of your votes.
Time for the next match: The Bavarian Ruby and Spinel Tiara, we introduced to you earlier today, worn by Princess Antonia above against the Emerald Peacock Tiara, the necklace turned tiara originally belonging to Grand Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte and worn by her daughter Archduchess Marie-Astrid above. Massive vs. dainty - which one gets your vote? (Note: As not much else is going on, we're are making this a three tiara match
week, so this post was published on Saturday evening and voting
will already close on Monday night, shortly after 9:30pm Luxembourg time.)
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