Let's play favourites to keep us entertained while everyone and their relatives are on their Christmas breaks. Mind you, yours truly didn't thrown themselves into gowns and tiaras (now that's a post idea!) to have a bit of a competition. However, we scrolled back through some tens of pages of Luxarazzi to see all the gala appearance we saw of the grand ducal and princely ladies this year. Because it would be grossly unfair to all tiara-less events, we decided to make two posts of this: The tiara division and the no-tiara devision - and we'll start with the latter.
Our contenders (from left to right): Grand Duchess Maria Teresa in a black and gold caftan gown at the Red Cross Gala, Hereditary Princess Sophie in a repeated dress from the wedding of Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden at the Salzburg Festival, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie in Diane von Furstenberg at the wedding of Princess Alix de Ligne, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie (as well as an unfortunately placed podium) at the Luxembourg American Business Award in New York City, Princess Claire in what must be her favourite dress as we have seen it about five times by now, as well as Princess Alexandra (unfortunately half cut off) at the wedding of Alix de Ligne.
Princess Tessy at the wedding of Alix de Ligne, Princess Tessy at a banquet hosted by the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George in London, Princess Tessy in Dubai for Royal Bridges, as well as Princess Anunciata (in Oscar de la Renta) and Princess Astrid at the Ligne wedding. (Also: Hi there, Princess Maria Laura of Belgium!)
And now it's onto you: Vote for your favourite gala appearance (no-tiara division) of 2016!
The poll will close on January 1, 2017.
In case that wasn't enought voting for you,
also head over to Confessions of a Castleholic to do some more!
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