Friday, June 24, 2016

National Day: Pictures and Videos

Photo: Luc Deflorenne / Cour grand-ducale
Let's wrap up our national day coverage - well, at least for all the events that have already happened, two garden parties are still on the agenda - with more picture and video links than you'll ever care to look at. (If you do, contact us cause you might just be one for Team Luxarazzi.) For information, have a look at our previous posts on the visits to Troisvierges and Esch, the torchlight parade, the official ceremony, the military parade, the Te Deum and the gala.

First off, the videos: RTL offers you the chance to rewatch the official ceremony, the highlights of the Te Deum as well as a news report about the whole day. They also have a report from June 22 including bits from Esch and Troisvierges. Wort has videos of the military parade, the official ceremony, the visit to Troisvierges, and the torchlight parade.

As for the pictures, simply click on the links below to see about a gazillion of the different events.

Visit to Troisvierges

Visit to Esch

Torchlight Parade

Official Ceremony

Military Parade

Te Deum


Combined galleries

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