Thursday, November 7, 2013

United Nations General Assembly

Photo: Représentation
Permanente du Grand-
Duché de Luxembourg
auprès de l’ONU
Grand Duke Henri attended a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly yesterday during which the Assembly adopted a symbolic resolution urging the UN's member states to observe the Olympic Truce – the ancient Greek tradition calling for the cessation of hostilities before, during and after the Games – in the context of the upcoming Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi, Russia. The Grand Duke is a member of the International Olympica Committee. After the session entitled "Sport for Peace and Development: Building a Peaceful and Better World through Sport and the Olympic Ideal", Luxembourg's head of state also held talks with Jan Eliasson, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations.

More pictures are located on the website of the cour.

Source: Cour grand-ducale

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