Saturday, November 14, 2015

Grand Duke Expresses His Sympathies

Photo: Jean Jullien
The Grand Duke has written a letter to French President François Hollande to offer his condolences after at least 129 people were killed by terrorists in Paris yesterday:
Monsieur le Président,

C'est avec horreur et consternation que nous avons vu les images des attentats meurtriers à Paris. La Grande-Duchesse et moi-même vous assurons ensemble avec le peuple luxembourgeois de notre grande compassion envers les victimes et leurs familles.

Nous manifestons notre solidarité totale face au malheur qui frappe la France.

Grand-Duc de Luxembourg
Mister President,

it was with horror and consternation that we saw the images of the murderous attack on Paris. The Grand Duchess and myself wish to extend our greatest compassion to the victims and their families.

We wish to express our full solidarity against the misfortune that hit France.

Grand Duke of Luxembourg

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