Sunday, May 10, 2015

Closing Procession of the Octave 2015

Photo: Chris Karaba / Luxemburger Wort /
Today is the fifth Sunday after Easter and so it was time once again for the annual closing procession of the Octave of Our Lady of Luxembourg, Maria Mater Jesu, Consolatrix Afflictorum, Patrona Civitatis et Patriae Luxemburgensis or "Mary, Mother Jesus, Consoler of the Afflicted, Patroness of the City and Country of Luxembourg" in case your Latin has left you a little today. The Grand Ducal Family always makes it a priority to attend and so they did today.

Photo: Chris Karaba / Lux. Wort /
Already this morning, Grand Duchess Maria-Teresa, Prince Félix, Princess Claire, Prince Louis and Princess Tessy attended a pontificial mass. In the afternoon, they were joined by Grand Duke Henri (fresh off his quick trip to the United States), Prince Gabriel and Prince Noah for the closing procession leading them from the Cathédrale de Notre Dame de Luxembourg via the rue Notre-Dame, the rue Philippe II, the avenue de la Porte-Neuve, the rue Beaumont, the rue des Capucins, the Grand-rue, the rue du Marché-aux-Herbes in front of the palais grand ducal, where they stopped for the Eucharistic blessings, and the rue de l’Eau back to the cathedral.

As always, the Grand Ducal Family were joined, or rather joined, thousands of other pilgrims both from Luxembourg and abroad for the Grand Duchy's most important religious celebrations celebrated since the 17th century. (For more on the Octave of our Lady of Luxembourg, have a look at our Luxarazzi 101 about it.)

Photo: Lucien Koneczny / RTL /
After the end of the procession and a concluding mass at the Cathédrale, the Grand Ducal Family traditionally makes their only balcony appearance of the year, bringing out a very special family member this year: Princess Amalia. The ten-months-old baby daughter of Prince Félix and Princess Claire joined her parents, grandparents, aunt, uncle and cousins to hear the Harmonie Municipale de Luxembourg-Limpertsberg play some march, the national anthem and wave to the crowd.

RTL has a news report about the day as well as pictures. Some more pictures at Wort.

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